About Leopard


Leopard is a Big Cat belong to tiger categories.  The Leopard is a member of the Felidae.

About Leopard

It occurs in a wide range in Sub Saharan Africa, in small parts of Western. and Central Asia, on the Indian Subcontinent and east Asia.

Leopard Classification

The Level of classification of Leopard are

Kigdom   -  Animalia (Animal)

Plylum    -  Chordata  (Vertebates)

Class     -     Mammalia (Mammalas)

Order    -  Carnivora (Carnivores)

Family  -  Falidae

Sub family - Pantherine

Genus - Panthera

Species -  P Pardus

Leopard is listed in Vulnerable on the IUCN red list because leopard populations are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation, and are declining in large parts of the global range. Contemporary records suggest that the leopard occurs in only 26% of its historical global range.

Compared to other wild cats, the leopard has relatively short legs and long body of large skull. Its fur is marked with rosettes and it is similar to the jaguar, but has smaller lighter physique and its rosettes are generally smaller, more densely packed and without central spots.

The Leopard is distinguished by its well-camouflaged flur,opportunistic hunting behaviour, broad diet, strength,and Leopard ability to adapt to a variety of habitats ranging from rain forest to steppe, including arid and montance areas. 

Leopard Facts

Leopard can run speeds of up to 57 kilometers per hour. The Leopard fur is generally soft and thick, notably softer on the belly than on the back. its skin colour varies between individuals from pale yellow to dark golden with dark spots grouped in rosettes. Its belly is whitish and its ringed tail is shorter than its body. 
Leopard pupils are round. Leopards living in arid regions are pale cream, yellowish to ochraceous and rufous in colour, those living in forests and mountains are much darker and deep golden.

About Leopard
Leopard stay on Tree

 Spots fade toward the white underbelly and the insides and lower parts of the legs. The fur tends to be grayish in in colder climates, and dark golden in rain forest habitats. 

Leopards guard hairs protecting the basal hairs are short,  face and head and increase in length toward the flanks and the belly to about 25-30 mm. Leopard have white tipped tail, white underneath and with spots on the tail end.

You can also read this about Jawai Leopard 

Hunting Skill

Leopard is so strong and comfortable in trees that its often hauls its kills into trees branch. Leopard dragging the body of large animal aloft its hopes to keep them safe from saving to lion and hyenas. Leopard also skill hunt from trees, where their spotted coats allow them to blend with the leaves until they spring with deadly  pounce. 

This nocturnal predators also stalk antelope, deer, pigs and other animals they leave in mountains and grass ground  

Leopard are also strong swimmer and very much at home in the water,  where they some times eats fishes and crabs.

Leopard and Humans

Most of times Leopard attacks on Humans when we found in dangerous. while generally Leopard avoid human but can not trusted on leopard because its belong to Tiger Family.  


Leopard (Jawai Leopard) is and Strong and fastest Animal its capture is prey in some times. Peoples have started cutting forest for their own selfish gains that means Leopard and other animal leaving palace damage and animals becoming extinct day by day. 

Types fo Leopard:-

1- Snow Leopard

2- Clouded Leopard

3- Black Panther/ Leopard

4- Cat Leopard 

There are seven different species of leopards

1- African Leopard

2- Amur Leopard

3- Barbary Leopard

4- South Arabian Leopard

5- Zanzibar Leopard

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